Tuesday, January 28, 2020

The Most Competitive Economy in the Arab World Essay Example for Free

The Most Competitive Economy in the Arab World Essay In the online article entitled â€Å"World Economic Forum says UAE is Arab World’s Most Competitive Economy,† it was stated that the World Economic Forum has declared the United Arab Emirates to have the most competitive economy among the Arab countries (The Associated Press). This was from a survey done among the 13 Arab States, the results of which were presented to the Forum at a two-day meeting attended by the Arab business leaders held in Qatar (The Associated Press). The reason for the economy of the United Arab Emirates to be considered the most competitive is its â€Å"highly developed infrastructure, particularly air and seaports,† according to the economist co-author of the survey in the person of Margareta Drzeniek Hanouz (The Associated Press). In addition to this, the efficiency of the government of UAE in spending and regulation and the efficiency in the labor market had also become the important contributory factor to its success (The Associated Press). There is also a progress to be noted from the economies of other Arab countries because of its utilization of energy sources available to it (The Associated Press). Paired with this, there is government infrastructure support and enhancement that jives with the goals of the economy (The Associated Press). For once, it is very important that a country’s economy rises. It will impact on the people if planned well and will help alleviate the status of the nation. It is also important that there will be participation from the private sector towards the goals of the government and vice-versa. The government, private, and civil society partnership is indeed a key factor to the success of any aspect of nations. However, it is also important that, together with the rise and progress of the economy, the social welfare aspects of a nation are also enhanced and their needs addressed. The social welfare of the people is important because they are the ones who make up the nation and contributes to the economy, as well. Works Cited The Associated Press. World Economic Forum says UAE is Arab World’s Most Competitive Economy. April 10, 2007. The International Herald Tribune. September 15, 2007. http://www. iht. com/articles/ap/2007/04/10/business/ME-FIN-Arab-Economies. php.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Feminism before the 20th Century Essay -- History Female Gender Papers

Feminism before the 20th Century For generations, women had been subjected to men. Women had no saying in what was going on around them, to what they wanted their lives to be, or even when it came to their bodies. Many women have raised their voices to protest against this subjugation, sometimes at great personal risk. Such is the French case of Marie Gouze(1748-93), who under the name Olympe de Gouges, wrote "Declaration of the Rights of Women and Citizen." In this document Marie advocated for civic equality, as well as equal participation in political rights, women's right to vote, and equal education. She presented this document to Marie Antoinette in 1789. Unfortunately, the proposal was rejected and Marie was condemned to the guillotine by the radical Jacobin in the assembly, however the ideals have survived through the years. In the 19th century, due to the industrial revolution, a new middle class with wealth from land, trading, and factories, was created. The women of this class took Marie's ideals and created has come to be known as the feminist movement. These women were educated, and it was obvious to them the rights they were missing, because they saw how the men of their class had acquired these rights with the new found wealth. The goals of the Women's Movement in the 19th century were to get the vote, to archive equality in property rights, access to education, access to jobs and fair pay, divorce, and children's custody. In spite of a few changes women still where a long way from archiving equality at the end of the 19th century, so the women of the 20th century following in the foot step of their feminist ancestors continued the fight for the total realization of all of these goals. Women fight ... ...transformations can be seen as extensions of the goals set in the 19th century. Childcare can be seen as an extension, of the desire of women to work, since to be able to work someone had to take care of the children. Abortion, and the use of birth control, can be seen as an extension of the desire of women to run their own lives from choosing whom to marry, to choosing whom to vote for. So in one way or another, the transformations that feminism invoked in the 20th century are part of the next logical step after the transformation achieved in the 19th century because at the end, the supreme goal of feminism has always been total equality, or should we say liberation, in all areas, political, sexual, economical, and social. Word Cited: Howard Spodek, "The World's History," vol 2. 1998 Roy Macridis and Mark Hulliung, "Contemporary Political Ideologies," 1996

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Lan-Base Attendance Monitoring and Payroll System Essay

1.1 Introduction Modernization changed our lifestyle. Technology improves us to spend time and spaces in remarkable ways. Due to rapid technological changes new things to produce better way of doing things through the help of technology. In our present life style people find way to improve their living day by day .This improvement was obviously seen in our modern technology, such modern machine, improvised gadgets, robotics and the most popular and widely influential is the modern computer. Modern computer helps people to lessen their work in such particular field of industry, particularly for those activities that requires computation storage of information presentation security and many uses of system software by the company, organization and in some aspect of educational areas. One of these changes is through the use of LAN-Based Attendance Monitoring and Payroll System of Caltex Gasoline Station which is programmed automatically set the time and date employees log; so that the office assistant mo nitors the record and liable easily access the payments of the employees. In the field of Information technology the knowledge in creating a LAN-Based Attendance Monitoring and Payroll System of the employees are one of the most important parts to keep a certain business stable also includes the monitoring of the employees and the payroll. The Owner can’t assure that his employee is arriving on time in Gasoline Station and he can’t also assure if the computation of the payroll is correct and accurate. 1.2.1 Background of the Study The Caltex Techron Balite Merchandise started as a Federal Gasoline station in 2007. After three years Federal Gasoline Station experienced bankrupt because of the competition in other gasoline station. The owner of Federal Gasoline Station decided to sell the property of Federal Gasoline Station to Mr. Danny Reobeca to recover his investment. In the year 2010 September 19, the Caltex Techron merchandising established in Barangay Balite. They started with sixteen (16) employees including (1) one manager, (1) one secretary, (2) two cashiers, and (12) twelve gasoline boys. Nowadays, the Caltex Techron Merchandising has (4) four Gasoline Machines, (3) three Gasoline Tanker, (1) one storage room and (1) one office room. Caltex Techron Merchandising have now (33) thirty three employees including (1) one manager as the owner, (3) three office assistant, (3) three cashier, (2) two guards and (24) twenty four gasoline boys. The operation is 24 hours and has three shifting for gasoline boy and cashiers. First shift (6:00am-3:00pm), second shift (12:00pm-9:00pm), third shift(9:00pm-6:00am), (2) two shifting for the security guard, First shift (6:00am-6:00pm) and second shift (6:00pm-6:00am) while the manager and office assistant work 8 hours start 8:00am to 4:00pm. The facilities of the Caltex Techron Merchandising are complete but proponents found out (2) problem. First, the attendance monitoring of the employee is manual like the traditional. Second, the exact computation of payroll of the employee is manual computation. They have an office assistant in the office room to manage the attendance monitoring and payroll of the employees. 1.2 Statement of the problem 1.2.1 General Problem The Manual attendance and payroll of the employees in Caltex Techron resulting lack of accuracy and security in terms of records. The main problem of manual system is very hard to retrieve information of the employees. 1.2.2 Specific Problem The Caltex Techron Merchandising has also some specific problem as they follow: * Manual recording of the time-in and time-out of the employees. * Using the manual computation of payroll. * Inaccurate employee’s attendance due to manual operation of time keeping. * Unorganized records because of many records that must be filed. 1.3 Objective 1.3.1 General Objective The Proponents aims to develop a LAN-Based Attendance Monitoring and Payroll System that will improve their service in terms of attendance monitoring and payroll of the employee. 1.3.2 Specific objectives * To develop a system that enable to search records easier and faster. * To avoid changing of time that they log. * To develop a system that will monitor the daily time record of employee. * To upgrade and standard the process of computing salaries of employees accurately. * To establish a system that will register the time-in and time-out of employees. * To prevent loosen and break down of the records and files. * To make automated the computation of the salaries of the employees. 1.4 Scope and Limitation The Proponents aims to develop a LAN-Based Attendance Monitoring and Payroll System of the employee for the improvement of Caltex Techron Merchandising. The File maintenance can easily add, search, delete, and update records, with the use of this system. 1.4.1 Scope * Computerize the Attendance of the employee. * Automated computation of salaries. * It gives accurate time and date of the employee’s log. * LAN-based System. * The administrator only has the authority to access the records of the employees. 1.4.2 Limitation * Records only the time and date of log-in and log-out of the employee but it can’t identify who are the real employees. * The LAN-Based Attendance Monitoring and Payroll System embedded only to Caltex Techron. 1.5 Significance of Study This study not only to develop a software system, It also aims to do specific task in a short period of time. Administrator/Manager: * It will help them in terms of less spending space and time. It will help them. Office Assistant: * It will be easy for them to monitor the attendance of the employee and to lessen their work. Employee: * It will be easier to get their salary because of the automatic computation. 1.6 Definition of Terms 1. Automated – To operate by automation. 2. Merchandising – Sales promotion has a comprehensive function including market research, development of new products. 3. Monitoring – A device for observing a biological condition or function. 4. Payroll – The sum necessary for distribution to those on a payroll also the money to be distributed. 5. Salary – Fixed comprehension paid regularly for devices 6. Technology – A capability given by the practical application knowledge. 7. Embedded – Fix to the business company. 8. LAN-Based – the system is running by group of personal computer and associated equipment that are linked by cable, office building and that share a communications line. 9. Manual – work by hand, involving the skills and hard word of hand. 10. Traditional – from generation to generation,† Old style†.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

The Big Short By Michael Lewis - 1495 Words

The When you think of societal importance, we tend to think of how something will affect the social order of society. After reading all three of the books, it was challenging to choose just one of them to write about. Each one played its own part of significance from women rights, economics tragedy, and exploring the universe. Considering all three of these books were well crafted, THE BIG SHORT by Michael Lewis reflects a template of our community. By showing what can happen if we continue to let the financial system run wild, then showing how it will impact us as an economy like it did in 2008. Two main factors that can be taken away from the book are: Economy and the way of living. The overall resources that contribute to our successful†¦show more content†¦In our society taking hard impacts like these have big influences in our GDP. When a country is in a recession there is limited money to be distributed causing panic to business owners. Leaving them frantically trying to improve on their business and cut workers to save money. Well families suffer from the lack of monetary value and sending our unemployment rate through the roof. Tragic events like this can have an effect on a country for years to come after it takes place. Most students today have no knowledge of the positive and negative change that is accompanied with the chosen reading. Its social importance is to initiate students to have some knowledge of the financial system. Most already are apart of our labor work force; well others have yet to begun their journey in the force. For these students they are tomorrow geniuses, doctors, lawyers, etc. if there is no economy to head into due to a recession then these job specialties will be useless. Making sure students understand how the economy works and what the positive benefits are for it. Such as being becoming and entrepreneur and attempting to earn a profit on goods and services additionally creating jobs for the community. Small steps like this are beneficial to our students, as well as educating them on what exactly happens to our money when they invest it. For example, we all know attending school is beneficial yet expensive. Most students don’t have the